Saturday, March 22, 2008

Test yourself for Bipolar Disorder

Psychiatric geneticist Dr. John Kelsoe is offering a home test for Bipolar Disorder for $399. Of course it won't actually tell you if you have the symptoms, but it will tell you if you have the genes.


Necrotizing Fasciitis (with pictures)

This guy had it, and these pictures document everything that happened - debridement, skin grafts, etc. You can see the muscle, tendons, and bone; it's rather reminiscent of when I went to The Universe Within. Maybe I'll make it to the Bodies exhibition here while it's still going.


Once more into the breech

...the three types of breech presentation, in birth.

After all, what would be my return without some kind of completely tasteless pun?

I'm back, after a long hiatus, and wanted to say this: it's been far too long, my readers. Far too long. Much to report, and in that time, many, many maladies to blog. So stay tuned.